Sunday, March 7, 2021

Living in the Question ~ Listening and Inner Wisdom

Living in the Question - Values: Listening and Inner Wisdom

Happy March! As we journey into a new month we do so with a practice called Visioning. Each week we will explore a different stage of the visioning process. This first week we ask the question ~ What is Spirits Highest idea of itself as my life? It's a BIG question and depending on our age there will be many different answers. 

A question like this requires us to listen deeply and to take our time. The power and presence of Spirit resides within each of us. It is the voice of Inner Wisdom and we find it by listening with our heart as well as our ears. If you are a parent with young children you might start by asking the question, "what is the biggest thing you can think of?" or "what is the biggest idea you can imagine?" Allow ideas to flow freely then play with ideas that benefit ALL life (Creating a world that works for all).

"God’s Creative Power of Mind is right here. We have as much of this power to use as we believe in and embody. The storehouse of nature is filled with infinite good, awaiting the touch of our awakened thought to spring forth into manifestation in our lives.” ~Ernest Holmes

When we are babies we rely upon an inner intuition or inner wisdom to perceive the world around us. We feel, we notice, we listen carefully, then we act or react based on the energy around us. Our inner intuition is on high alert and it helps us to understand our life, our environment. As we grow older we tend to forget that we have this inner wisdom, this inner compass, however it is always there, ready to respond to our inquiry if we make the time to listen deeply. 

"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and loved more than you’ll ever know.” ~A.A. Milne

Living in the question, invites us to always be curious. To stretch our imagination and explore new possibilities. We may not know today, exactly what we will do or be in our lifetime, however we might find an area of interest that we want to know more about. Here are several questions for you to begin your personal exploration. As you stretch your question and listening muscles remember to come back to that "high idea" for your life. 

What is one thing you know now that you didn't know a year ago? What is something you never thought you'd like but you do? What fruit or vegetable have you never tasted? What in life are you curious about? What quality of Spirit do you demonstrate often (love, light, peace, joy, power, beauty...)? What is something you wanted to try but haven't - yet? What is something you would like to learn more about? What is.... (you fill in the question). 

"You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!" Dr. Seuss

by Susan Robinson, RScP

"I tune into my highest self and remember, I am strong, I am brave, I am wise."

"I am a magnificent magnet of infinite goodness."

"I am open to new ideas." 


Three good things 
A practice of gratitude in combination with a short breathing activity has the power to shift stale unhelpful energy into that of a higher vibration of possibility. Start by stretching your body. You can do this sitting or standing. 
1. Look upward and lift your arms over your head with an in-breath.
2. Slowly lower them arching outward to the side of your body on an out-breath. 
3. Do this 3 times. At the end of the third breath name out loud - 3 good things - aka 3 things for which you are grateful. 

Your Inner Wisdom 
Take a few minutes to focus on your inner thoughts. Ask the question; what wisdom do you have for me today? What do I need to know? Words, colors, shapes or pictures may come up in your mind's eye. Continue breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. You may wish to repeat the questions. When you are ready share or write down what you experienced, saw, heard. 

Cool resource to check out ~ (not a hyperlink)
Lots of great things to explore for all ages. ~ tip for kids ~ search "mindfulness activities for kids"

Music & Books & Creativity

Using our Imagination can a stepping stone to tuning into our Intuition. Skip the adds and have fun with this song. Imagination by The Singing Lizard - Munchkin Music 

Imagination Song LBB Songs | Learn with Little Baby Bum Nursery Rhymes - Moonbug Kids

Incredible You! by Dr. Wayne Dyer Pre-school - 3rd

What do you do with an Idea? By Kobe Yamada This is the story of one brilliant idea and the child who helps to bring it into the world.

What If? By Samantha Berger Art: Mike Curato

Inner Creations Close your eyes and paint, color, draw or mold creations. See what can be created only using your inner wisdom instead of your outer vision. You may use any art medium of your choosing. MATERIALS: ● Use large paper ● crayons/ markers ● Paints for finger painting ● Playdoh - make your own Salt Dough!

What-cha-ma-call-it's! This is a free form art activity where we can use our inner listening skills to inspire creativity rather than “deciding” what to do. 
Suggested Materials: Found Objects: TP rolls, paper towel rolls, string, yarn, fabric, beads, buttons. Scissors, white glue, glue stick, markers, crayons 
Instructions: ● Spread materials in front of you ● Scan the materials with your eyes ● When you FEEL the urge, choose a piece of material and choose how you will use it. ● Continue with this process letting each piece inspire your next choice.
When complete, see how your artwork inspires a name, purpose or story. It may be something useful or silly. It's all up to you. How many different things can you create out of the items you find.

Have a great week everyone! 

(Photo credit to: Top photo Gary Butterfield - Middle photo - Darius Bashar -

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