Sunday, February 2, 2025

February 2025

February 2025

Monthly Theme Summary:

This month, we focus on Interconnectedness, exploring the deep connections that bind us all. In February, we are invited to recognize the Spirit within ourselves and others, honor our bodies as sacred, and see the beauty of unity in everyone we encounter.

The teachings of Science of Mind remind us that we are all part of one divine Source, intricately woven into a single, unified existence. As Ernest Holmes teaches, “We are all rooted in the One Life, which is Spirit. Each of us is an individualized expression of that Divine Unity.”

Throughout February, we’ll explore the ways we can honor this truth in our daily lives. Through mindfulness, intentional living, and acts of love and kindness, we can deepen our awareness of the connections we share. By focusing on interconnectedness, we recognize that every thought, word, and action has the potential to create ripples that extend far beyond ourselves.

For our youth and teens, we’ll incorporate activities that celebrate unity and compassion. From meaningful Valentine’s Day projects to exploring Black History Month through the lens of shared humanity, we’ll encourage them to honor the sacred ties that unite us all. Together, we’ll embrace the truth that we are never alone—we are all part of a greater whole.

This month, we’ll emphasize the virtues of Compassion and Unity.

Exploring the Theme:

We will deepen our understanding of Interconnectedness by focusing on the following areas:

  • Expressions of Love and Gratitude: Reflecting on Valentine’s Day, we will explore ways to create heartfelt expressions of love and gratitude. This could include projects like writing “love letters to the world” or creating art that celebrates our connections to others and the world around us.

  • Celebrating Shared Humanity: During Black History Month, we will highlight the interconnectedness of cultures and celebrate the contributions of Black leaders to the collective whole. This reflection will show how every culture and individual is woven into the greater fabric of humanity.

  • Learning Our Center’s Benediction: As a community, we’ll reflect on and practice the affirmation: “Life is in my mind, Love is in my heart, Spirit is my guide.” This practice will help us recognize the Spirit that flows through all and connects us to one another.

  • The Web of Connection: Inspired by the concept of 6 Degrees of Separation, we will explore the idea that we are all connected in ways seen and unseen. This can help us understand how our actions ripple outward to affect the whole.

  • This Little Light of Mine: We’ll celebrate individuality and unity by reflecting on the song “This Little Light of Mine” and creating opportunities to share our unique light with the world. Whether through song, projects, or small acts of kindness, we’ll honor the ways our light contributes to the collective.

(Teens exploring January themes, creating collaborative art that will become a teen fundraiser in the future.)

Affirmations for the Month:

Week 1 (2/2): Grounded in the self-within, I connect compassionately with the world around me.

Week 2 (2/9): I delight in the wonder of my body and treat it kindly.

Week 3 (2/16): A deep feeling of love infuses all I do and think.

Week 4 (2/23): I am open to a life of connection, compassion, and caring.

Affirmative Prayer for Interconnectedness

I recognize the Spirit that flows through all life, connecting every being in an infinite web of love and unity. This Spirit is the essence of creation, moving through me, as me, and around me.

I affirm that I am inseparably connected to all that is. Each thought, word, and action I express ripples outward, touching the lives of others and returning to me in perfect harmony. I honor the truth that the universe is a unified whole, and I celebrate the beauty of our shared existence.

I know that my body is a sacred temple, a vessel through which Spirit expresses itself. I honor this temple with kindness and care, and I honor the same Spirit in everyone I meet. I embrace the infinite love that binds us together, trusting that I am always supported, always held, and never alone.

With gratitude for this truth, I release this prayer into the Law, knowing it is already so. And so it is.

Stay grounded,

Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

January 2025

January 2025

January Announcements:

1/5/25 - Jewel Shield Sound Meditation & Harp

1/17-1/20 - Winter Teen Camp, Veronia Orgeon (stay tuned for a post about our trip!)

Monthly Theme Summary:

As we welcome the fresh energy of a new year, this month, we’ll be exploring the theme of Stretching into Possibility through the lens of Science of Mind Principles. January invites us to embrace the new, stretch beyond comfort zones, and trust the infinite potential that lies within.

This season is often one of reflection and renewal. Just as a tree stretches its roots deeper into the earth while reaching its branches toward the sky, we too can ground ourselves in spiritual truth as we grow into the expansive possibilities ahead.

For our youth and teens, this is a time to cultivate resilience and self-belief. Through stories, activities, and discussion, we’ll teach them to lean into the discomfort of growth and recognize that challenges are part of the creative process of Spirit. We’ll emphasize that stretching into possibility doesn’t mean perfection; it means curiosity, courage, and faith in the infinite.

This month, we will focus on the virtues of Courage and Faith. Together, we’ll explore how these qualities support us in growing into our highest potential and creating a life aligned with our purpose.

Affirmations for the Month:

Week 1: I stretch into new possibilities with confidence and grace.

Week 2: Infinite potential flows through me. I trust the process of growth.

Week 3: I rise to meet every challenge, knowing Spirit moves through me.

Week 4: My heart expands with faith, and I step boldly into the unknown.

Week 5: I am limitless. I embrace all that I can be and more.


Affirmative Prayer for embracing infinite possibility:

I recognize the presence of an infinite, boundless source of wisdom and love that moves through all creation. This presence of Spirit is the very essence of possibility—ever-expanding, ever-evolving, and ever-perfect.

I affirm that I am one with Spirit. Its power flows through me and expresses itself as me. I am a channel for spiritual creativity, strength, and joy. As I stretch into new opportunities, I trust that every step is guided by a higher wisdom.

I know that growth is a natural part of life, and I welcome the unfolding of infinite possibilities with an open heart and mind. I release fear and limitation, knowing that I am supported by Spirit in every moment. I stand firm in faith, trusting the perfect unfolding of my journey.

I release this prayer with gratitude, knowing that it is already done. And so it is.


Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

December 2024 -Sticking the Landing

Sunday Topics at a Glance. I will post the monthly topics here and also any special notes each month.

If you are ever wanting to know more - feel free to reach out to

December  2024

December Announcements:

12/8 Wreaths Anticipated for distribution

12/15 Ornament Decorating in social hall from 10-11

12/22 Teen Bake Sale Fundraiser 

Monthly Theme Summary:

This month we’ll be exploring how we can be grounded in Science of Mind Principles as we move through

our lives. There is a darkness that comes each winter which makes us all look inward. We aim to be cozy

and warm. During this time we can teach young people to evaluate their thoughts and beliefs that will

eventually move them to actions. We hope to stay grounded as individuals- though it's not always easy.

When we fall off Center we have to teach young people that it's ok to notice that and to make an effort

to get back to it. We want to teach to find the Truth and that Peace is available to all if you can only look

within. We are teaching that to waver or even fall does not make the gymnast- it’s how you can stick the

landing with purpose. 


Each month we choose a few virtues to focus on with the youth and teens.

We choose activities and stories that highlight the virtue. For December, we will focus on Purposefulness

and Service.  

Affirmations for the month:

Week 1: I stand on solid thoughts to co-direct the flow of my life.

Week 2: I let the fire of Infinite Love blaze in my heart!

Week 3: I swim in the flow of Consciousness, sowing Good wherever I go.

Week 4:  I am the Light embodied. I radiate!

Week 5:  I create exciting new ways to experience and express Spirit. I say YES! to Life.

Affirmative Prayer for Oneness with the Divine Creative Process

I recognize and affirm that there is one infinite presence, one boundless intelligence, one perfect creative power that flows through all life. This divine essence is the source and substance of everything, expressing itself inperfect harmony, balance, and love. I know that I am one with this divine creative process. It flows through me, as me, and around me, guiding every thought, word, and action. I am an instrument of this infinite intelligence, and I trust that its wisdom moves me toward greater clarity, peace, and joy. I affirm that every idea in my mind is inspired by the infinite. As I align my thoughts with love, creativity, and truth, I co-create a life of abundance, beauty, and fulfillment. The divine process within me ensures that everything unfolds in perfect order, at the perfect time, and in the perfect way. I release all sense of separation, knowing that I am inseparably connected to the whole of creation. In this awareness of unity, I embrace the infinite possibilities available to me now. I trust the process of life, f

or it is the divine expressing itself perfectly through every experience. With gratitude, I release this prayer into the universal law of mind, knowing it is already fulfilled. And so it is.

Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

Friday, November 1, 2024

November 2024 Topic Abundance

Sunday Topics at a Glance. I will post the monthly topics here and also any special notes each month. If you are ever wanting to know more - feel free to reach out to

November 2024

Monthly Theme Summary:

This month we’ll be exploring how rising up in our Abundance Consciousness blesses our lives and the lives of

those around us.

Grand Rising: Abundance Consciousness is a Grand Rising and we are being clear on

how we have that show up in our lives.

Each month we choose a few virtues to focus on with the youth and teens. We choose activities and stories that

highlight the virtue. For November, we will focus on Joyfulness and Thankfulness.  

We know that our thoughts can impact our experiences. If we believe that we are going to have a rotten experience- the lens through which we are looking is set up to receive just that. (Reminds me of the popular children’s book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day). However, if we change the lens and seek differently- the possibility for the limitless possibilities will also more likely to be the outcome. How do we teach this type of growth mindset to young people? Further, how can we teach an abundance mindset. We will explore how to change our thoughts from limiting beliefs to those of abundance. We learn to know that what we focus on is what we will see more of. 

Affirmations for the month:

Week1: The abundance of life flows in and around me.

Week 2: Seeing the connection of all, I recognize my part in the thriving of all.

Week 3: Spirit is my abundant source and supply.

Week 4: I celebrate and dance with and as the sheer abundance of Life. 

I have checked out the following books to help us along our way...

Bear Says Thanks

Growing Patterns:Fibonacci Numbers

Healing Breath:A Guided Meditation

One Earth

Thank you for My Dreams

Thanks for Nothing!

Thanku: Poems of Gratitude

The Golden Rule

The Thank You Book

Announcements from Teens

The registration for Teen Winter Camp 2025 has begun. We have until the 24th of November to get all those

committed to going registered. If you are curious about what goes on at Teen Camp you can connect with

Jennifer Caldwell on Sundays or email me at

The teens have a number of fundraisers including the wreaths. The final day to make your wreath purchase is

November 10. Below pictured are the Classic and Cranberry Splash Wreaths that you will find in the social hall.

Thank you so much to those of you who have purchased a wreath already and helped us in our Bake Sale. 

I will hold a parents meeting in November to discuss Teen Camp and have a logistics discussion. 

Affirmative Prayer for Abundance 

I recognize that the Universe is infinitely abundant, filled with limitless possibilities.

There is only one source of all good, and that is the Divine Presence that flows through all life.

I know that I am one with this infinite source. The same power that creates worlds flows through me.

I am one with the boundless energy of the Universe.

I now accept the truth that abundance flows easily and effortlessly into my life. My thoughts are expansive, free,

and limitless. I think big, dream boldly, and manifest prosperity in every area of my life.

I am grateful for the abundance that is mine now and for the limitless potential of my thoughts.

I give thanks for all the blessings that are unfolding in my life.

I release this prayer into the Law, knowing that it is done. I let go of any doubt or fear, trusting the

Universe to bring forth my good in perfect ways. And so it is.


( Newest nephew photo credit and reminder of our abundant blessings)

Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Winter 2025 Teen Camp

Finding Me thought Divinity 

It's time for our teens (and their families) to start thinking about Teen Camp again. Teen Camp is hosted every Winter by Centers for Spiritual Living during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend. Here's some basic information about teen camp. 

Who:12.5-18 year olds plus at least two advisors


When: Jan. 17-20, 2025

Where: Vernonia, Oregon at a lovely property owned by CSL

How: We will travel together via plane leaving from Santa Rosa to Portland. We will take a shuttle from airport to camp. 

How much: All teens who plan to attend will be required to pay the non- refundable deposit. No teen will be turned away for lack of funds. There are scholarships available for attending this camp. The total cost for the camp (before Nov. 24) is $375. There is an additional fee if registered after this date. The airfaire fee will be determined when we know how many participants are going. It is safe to plan $200 for airfaire and shuttle fee. 

You should also submit a Statement of Purpose for going to camp. A letter composed by the teen of 250-500 words about why you want to attend the event, and what you offer spiritually to your fellow attendees. These can be submitted directly to Youth Program Coordinator, Jennifer Caldwell. These need to be submitted by December 1, 2024.

We will hold fundraisers and parent meetings starting this Fall. If your teen is interested in attending, I encourage them let me know on a Sunday during our Youth Program held at 11 or to schedule a time to meet with me. 

Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 2024 Topics

Sunday Topics at a Glance. I will post the monthly topics here and also any special notes each month. If you are ever wanting to know more - feel free to reach out to

October 2024

Special Events for the Month: On 10/27 there will be a costumes parade during the 11 o’clock service. We will also have a  pumpkin carving party after the service. As if that wasn’t enough fun- the teens will also be hosting a  bake sale fundraiser that day from 10-11 for their upcoming winter camp. 

Monthly Theme Summary: A Grand Rising with power begins within us. We do our inner work to create a relationship with our inner power that supports us. As we forgive and heal our internal relationship with power, we take the next step in rising by how we express our personal power. This step asks us to release our hidden agendas. We begin to express our power with integrity and authenticity. Power expressed in this manner supports and draws those around together in support of shared causes and ideas. Coming together in our authentic power multiplies what we can do. The difference for Good we can make as a group, community, and more is expanded… to express our power.

Each month we choose a few virtues to focus on with the youth and teens. We choose activities and stories that highlight the virtue. For October, we will focus on Assertiveness and Truthfulness.  

How do young people get to experience power? Once they find their power, they can learn to harness it and learn how to use it for good. This month we will start from within and see the power for our own and for greater good is here for each of us to use. 

Affirmations for the month:

Week1: I go within to connect with my Source of Power.

Week2: I stand in my Power as a Presence for Good.

Week3: Together, we empower each other for the greater Good.

Week4: As I stand in my authentic Power, I welcome a World that Works for Everyone

I checked out some really neat books to help us along the way! Here are some of the titles:

A World of Pauabilities

DIa de los Muertos

Happy Diwalil

I think, I am


The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin

The Panda Problem

Affirmative Prayer for Power

I know that there is a great power in the world, a power of love, strength, and light. This power is always here, and it fills the earth, the sky, and every living thing.

I am connected to this power. It lives in me, and it lives in every person, no matter how big or small. We are all made from the same energy of love and strength, and it helps us to grow, learn, and shine.

I believe that this power makes me strong, brave, and capable. Whenever I face a challenge, I know that the power inside me helps me to keep going, to be kind, and to do my best. I trust that I can achieve great things.

I am so grateful for this power in my life. I thank the universe for giving me everything I need to be happy, healthy, and strong. I appreciate the love and care that is always with me.

I let go, trusting that this power is always working for my good. I know that I am safe, supported, and loved, and that everything will be okay. And so it is.


Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 2024 Topics

Sunday Topics at a Glance. I will post the monthly topics here and also any special notes each month. If you are ever wanting to know more - feel free to reach out to

September 2024

Author of Summary: Rev. Kathy Mastroianni

When it feels like everything is falling into pieces, how can you find more Peace?  When we are confused and asleep in the illusion of separation, there is no Peace in our world. Spiritual wisdom and tools can help us awaken and rise to the Truth that, as Dr. Ernest Holmes said, “Peace is always at the center of our own soul.” Oneness, Peace and Harmony prevail.  Spiritual tools in our toolkit for Life help us have a Grand Rising in our personal and collective experience of Peace. In this month’s topic, we will explore: What is Peace? How to cultivate Inner Peace, Peace with others, Peace in community, and Peace on Earth--and truly put the “Peaces” together in order to Rise Up and BE the Peace we see in the world. 

Each month we choose a few virtues to focus on with the youth and teens. We choose activities and stories that highlight the virtue. For September we will focus on Peacefulness and Faithfullness.

Affirmations for the month:

Week1: I easily tune into the Peace at the center of my soul.

Week2: The Divine in me recognizes and honors the Divine in you.

Week3: Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om: Peace Peace Peace!

Week4:I imagine the world living Peacefully as One.

Week5: I AM the Peace I see in the world!

I checked out some really neat books to help us along the way! Here are some of the titles:

Title: Can you say peace? /

Title: Peace /

Title: The peace book /

Title: Peaceful piggy meditation /

Title: Healing breath : a guided meditation

Title: My magic breath : finding calm throu

Title: Sea Otter Cove : a relaxation story 

Title: Bubble riding : a relaxation story /

Title: I am a peaceful goldfish /

and more!

We will discuss the feelings we feel of peace. We will learn how to find our own peace. We may discuss the symbols that are associated with the concept of peace.

Affirmative Prayer for Peace

I recognize that there is a calm and peaceful presence in the universe, guiding and supporting me.

I am one with this peaceful presence; it flows through me and surrounds me.

I am at peace. My mind is calm, my heart is serene, and I am centered in tranquility.

I am grateful for the peace that fills my heart and mind. I give thanks for this calmness and clarity.

I release any thoughts of worry or stress, trusting that peace is my natural state. I let go and allow this peace to guide me.

Jennifer Caldwell
Youth and Family Coordinator

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