Within our spiritual studies, we talk about the concept of Oneness a lot. For most people the idea that each of us are Spirit expressing itself in, through and as US... seems too BIG to even imagine! Yet here we are, living our life, breathing, growing, learning and becoming. Each day embarking on this adventure called Life.
If we remember that there is only on thing going on, the Law of Life, and that we are all sourced by a Creative Intelligence that knows our highest good, then what is there to fear? Mistakes happen. They help us learn, grow and they teach us to make better choices. It's all a part of the adventure!
"Every day our actions exist on the cutting edge of evolution, the frontier where the mind is caught between caution and curiosity." Deepak Chopra and Menas C. Kafatos
Spirit awaits us in every moment to plant seeds of thought that are life affirming, that grow in ways that create harmony, joy, light and love.Do you think the seed of a plant worries about what it will become? Within the seed is all the knowledge it needs to become itself. It just needs a bit of soil and water to begin its adventure of becoming.
When we place positive thoughts in our minds, mixed in with a bit of curiosity, its like the soil for the seed, it aids in our growth. It awakens the opportunity to try new things and take a few chances to learn something new. What we learn along the way stays with us and becomes a part of who we are. We may outgrow it at some point, yet every part of our life adventure aids in our becoming.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." T.S. Elliot
What adventure have you always wanted to go on, but haven't yet? What is something you've always wanted to try? What is something you've always wanted to learn about? What food have you never tasted but have been curious about? What other language would you like to learn? What is something you are willing to take a chance on, even if you fail?Spend some time this week being curious about life. Have a family discussion about your dreams, hopes, ideas and the things you would like to try or things you would like learn about. Take a small step in the direction of this new adventure of YOU, then take another. Life is so full of wonderful things to explore. Today is a great day to begin again!
I love trying new things.
I dare to be different.
Today what serves me stays and what fails me goes!
Today I live with purpose and my purpose lights my path.
Sometime we come upon a cool website with great links for mediations, yet the links do not work in the blog. However, you can go seek them out on your own and in the process, you might find a cool website that you'll go back to again and again.
Today that web site is www.greenchildmagazine.com - type in the search bar mediations for kids and you'll find several to choose from.
Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Be the Pond meditation
Music & Video
Follow the Sun by Xavier Rudd
Storm Boy - by Xavier Rudd
Beautiful Oops - by Barney Saltzburg
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