Sunday, June 27, 2021

Summertime Fun & Connection!

Centers for Spiritual Living Summer Teen Camp
A place for Summertime fun and Connection

This week what is on my mind is all the amazing memories and experiences that have taken place while attending Centers for Spiritual Living Teen Camps. From the deep connections and growth that comes from spending a week together in spiritual practice. To the insight and freedom that evolves from family workshops. To the lifelong friendships that are born, developed and continue beyond camp at every age level. Being a part of these camps over the years has been a true highlight of my life experience so far. 

One only has to look through the photos in my phone or on my computer to know where my focus has been over the last 15 years. Camp is a huge part of that. This year, Centers for Spiritual Living is raising funds in a Capital Contribution Campaign to purchase Cedar Ridge Camp and Retreat Center in Oregon. This location was the site of CSL teen camps in years past and with your help, will be our home for future youth/teens and adults in the future.

There are several ways you can contribute! Locally, our Santa Rosa Center for Spiritual Living is raising funds through a special donation button located on our website at You can also mail a check to our Center at Center for Spiritual Living - 2075 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa, Ca. 95401. Make sure to write "Camp donation" on the memo line of your check so the funds are put to the correct account. 

If you are one of the readers who have found this blog, beyond our local Center and are looking for a place to bring spirituality to your children/teens/family, there are Centers all over the world with the bulk in the United States. Check your local area for a Center near you as we are opening back up to serve our local communities. And, many of our Centers will continue to have an on-line presence too. You can find a directory of local Centers at There is also a link on that page to make a donation to the Capital Campaign! 

For what ever reason... the hyper links aren't working to the web sites listed above. However, a quick entry into your favorite search engine will find them. 

The Summer 2021 CSL teen camp this year is a virtual experience. With your help next year's camp will be in person on our very own camp site! 

May the summertime fun and connection live on for many many more years to come. 

 (Photo permissions signed by all campers) 

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