When I sat down to write this weeks blog I had a personal giggle as I looked at the topic for this week "When the road gets rocky." The giggle was in retrospect over my personal experiences this week, which have indeed been a bit rocky. Yet my faith, meditation practices along with great friends and family, were there to support me in knowing my highest good and well being.
One such experience occurred Tuesday morning. After arriving at work I had a strange experience of foggy vision where I could only see clearly looking straight on. My boss (who is also a great friend) was immediately concerned and suggested we go to the ER. On the way there, I closed my eyes and went into a state of meditation knowing answers were on the way. While going through several CT scan's of my brain, I remained calm by mentally chanting, "My good is my God, my God is my good" over and over until the scans were complete. While I waited for the test results, I had a lovely and comforting conversation with my son. Through it all I had faith that I was in the right place at the right time, surrounded by the right people who were there for my highest and best good! The tests came back clear and I left with a diagnosis of ocular migraine w/o pain. Thank you, Spirit!
I am reminded that regardless of where we are on the road of life, or within our parenting experience, there will always be rocky moments. Moments where we might not immediately know the answers or how to proceed, however that does not mean the answers are not available or that we can not access them. With faith, trust and tapping into our inner state of peace, we humans can and do get through the bumps in life.
"Peace doesn't deny difficulty, but it has an inner calm and quietness even while enduring the difficulty." Glenn C. Stewart

Prayer is powerful. It can be done anywhere, anytime and reaching out for prayer support is another way to open to Peace.
If you are in need of prayer or wish to look into what our local center has available for prayer support click either of the links below. You will likely receive a redirect notice, just click the link in the redirect and it will take you to the pages on our Center's website. Licensed Prayer Practitioners are also available on a fee for service basis.
"Seek to make your work a prayer, your believing an act, your living an art. It is then that the object of your faith will be made visible to you." Ernest Holmes
Having a good support system or friend network to tap into is also helpful. This applies to parents and children. Having a quiet space in your home can also be very helpful. Calm down corners are quite popular. You can fill them with stuffed animals, books, meditation timers, finger labyrinths you name it. There are many ideas on the internet if you need a little help getting started.
Research and knowledge can also be helpful. Having good safety practices in place can help when an emergency arrises. Below is a link to the US Department of Health and Human Services - Safety practices for Toddlers and more. While this article mostly talks about younger children there are two links at the bottom with more tips.
Love, Love and more Love ~ It may sound corny...and, I have found that Love is often the answer too many things. In situations of challenge, upset, confusion or distress it is often a cry for Love I am seeking, or some degree of deep understanding and compassion which I define as a loving act.
When we can pay it forward in Love for others, it deepens our Faith and bond of friendship.
This week if your road gets a bit rocky or if you witness others in a rocky spot, remember you are not only supported by a Power of Good - the Power of God/Spirit/Life/LOVE ~ that Power lives within you. And you have a community that you can turn to for support and prayer when needed.
Books to explore:
Love - by Matt de la Pena
Where ever you are my love will find you - by Nancy Tillman
The Magical Yet - by Angela Di Terlizzi
Blessings to you all ~
Photo credit to the artist on Unsplash.com Melissa Askew, Alexey Demidov & Alvin Madmudov
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