On June 5th, we adults in California have a job to do and that is to get out and VOTE!!! Regardless of where we are in political affiliation, it's time to pay close attention to the candidates who are running and the policies and issues they are passionate about. It is up to us adults to get out of our own way and to listen to the voices of the youth. For it is their future we are setting in motion through the elected officials we place in office.
Over the weekend of May 19/20 our friends at the Center for Spiritual Awareness (CSA) in West Sacramento hosted a teen overnight. Approximately 50 teens and adults representing 6 Centers, gathered together for a fun, engaged time of connection. One of my personal highlights was a walk from Old Sacramento along the Capital Mall where we gathered together on the steps of State Capital. It was a beautiful night, a little breezy, yet the energy of being together was electric. It was the perfect moment to reflect on the issues that are at the forefront of the minds of the teen population, our upcoming voters, so that us adults can make informed choices when it comes time for us to vote.

We witnessed the flag flying at half staff, in honor of the lives lost at the latest school shooting in Texas, and took a moment to send our love and prayers to all the victims and their families. Then one by one, the teens spoke out loud the issues that they are most concerned about. Gun violence/Gun control. The need for tighter restrictions for purchase and the elimination assault rifles. Mental Health education and funding so that instead of cutting programs we have more services available. Reduced fees or free education programs - trade schools - and higher education options. Keeping programs available and funded such as planned parenthood and DACA. Housing options for the un-housed/homeless population. Keeping creative arts programs in public schools. Suicide prevention and awareness training and more programs that help students learn healthy ways to deal with anxiety and depression.

We listened with hearts open. We also shared the importance of staying involved and informed. One advisor shared that teens can preregister to vote when they get their Ca. drivers license so that when they turn 18, voter information will automatically be sent to them. It was a heart warming discussion filled with hope.
In true Center for Spiritual Living teen style, we put our hands together and rubbed them with warmth and positive energy taking all we had discussed and releasing it in a blessing upon the State seal, the Capital building and the Nation. I am so grateful to Louis Gonzalez and all the staff of CSA for opening their spiritual home and creating a space for us to come together in love.
When it comes time for you to cast your vote, please listen to what is in your heart and to the issues that matter to the youth in your life and vote in the spirit of the youthful voice.
We are all in this together!
With Love and Blessings ~ Susan Robinson, RScP