There is an ongoing game in my office at Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa, called "Where is Spiderman?" It involves a small spiderman action figure that was left behind in our youth classrooms years ago that went unclaimed.
The action figure had been a fixture on my desk for quite some time until someone (or a group of someone's) decided to play a game with me by leaving me notes that say "Where is Spiderman?"
He has been found sitting in the lap of a Buddha fountain, within a paper lotus flower in the windowsill, perched atop of a painting, peeking at me from behind my computer and most recently, looking out of a decorative mask on the wall. Look closely in the photo and you can see him looking out.
It's all good fun and I have a blast trying to find him when I receive a mysterious note. It reminds me that my inner child needs time to play too. I can only imagine what fun it must be for the person, or people, who are playing this game with me and I am so very grateful for the levity.
We can all benefit from a little play time in our lives and when we include the young people in our lives in our play time it magnifies the experience. One way to bring this to your home is to plan a family game night. Turn off the TV, make some popcorn (or other fun snack) and play a board game together, or have a family paint night or on the next warm day, play squirt gun tag. Play a little or a lot. What you do isn't so important, it's that you do it together.