Wednesday, December 4, 2024

December 2024 -Sticking the Landing

Sunday Topics at a Glance. I will post the monthly topics here and also any special notes each month.

If you are ever wanting to know more - feel free to reach out to

December  2024

December Announcements:

12/8 Wreaths Anticipated for distribution

12/15 Ornament Decorating in social hall from 10-11

12/22 Teen Bake Sale Fundraiser 

Monthly Theme Summary:

This month we’ll be exploring how we can be grounded in Science of Mind Principles as we move through

our lives. There is a darkness that comes each winter which makes us all look inward. We aim to be cozy

and warm. During this time we can teach young people to evaluate their thoughts and beliefs that will

eventually move them to actions. We hope to stay grounded as individuals- though it's not always easy.

When we fall off Center we have to teach young people that it's ok to notice that and to make an effort

to get back to it. We want to teach to find the Truth and that Peace is available to all if you can only look

within. We are teaching that to waver or even fall does not make the gymnast- it’s how you can stick the

landing with purpose. 


Each month we choose a few virtues to focus on with the youth and teens.

We choose activities and stories that highlight the virtue. For December, we will focus on Purposefulness

and Service.  

Affirmations for the month:

Week 1: I stand on solid thoughts to co-direct the flow of my life.

Week 2: I let the fire of Infinite Love blaze in my heart!

Week 3: I swim in the flow of Consciousness, sowing Good wherever I go.

Week 4:  I am the Light embodied. I radiate!

Week 5:  I create exciting new ways to experience and express Spirit. I say YES! to Life.

Affirmative Prayer for Oneness with the Divine Creative Process

I recognize and affirm that there is one infinite presence, one boundless intelligence, one perfect creative power that flows through all life. This divine essence is the source and substance of everything, expressing itself inperfect harmony, balance, and love. I know that I am one with this divine creative process. It flows through me, as me, and around me, guiding every thought, word, and action. I am an instrument of this infinite intelligence, and I trust that its wisdom moves me toward greater clarity, peace, and joy. I affirm that every idea in my mind is inspired by the infinite. As I align my thoughts with love, creativity, and truth, I co-create a life of abundance, beauty, and fulfillment. The divine process within me ensures that everything unfolds in perfect order, at the perfect time, and in the perfect way. I release all sense of separation, knowing that I am inseparably connected to the whole of creation. In this awareness of unity, I embrace the infinite possibilities available to me now. I trust the process of life, f

or it is the divine expressing itself perfectly through every experience. With gratitude, I release this prayer into the universal law of mind, knowing it is already fulfilled. And so it is.

Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

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