Monday, April 23, 2018

Volunteer Spotlight!

It takes a lot of volunteers to support our Youth Ministry and Nancy Moorehead has been doing it for the past 18 years!

If Nancy looks familiar to you, it's likely because youth ministry isn't the only place she offers sacred service to our Center. She assists twice a month in our finance department, helping count the Sunday offerings. She serves as an usher on 5th Sunday's and she is often found in the rose garden quietly tending the soil, pulling weeds and nurturing the rose bushes with her tender loving care.

Recently I asked Nancy what some of her favorite things are about serving in youth ministry. "I love listening and learning from what the children share" she replied "Sometimes the wisdom of a 4 year old is exactly what I needed to hear."

As a teacher, I appreciate the beautiful way Nancy shares her love of Spirit and Nature when we are together in circle time. I'll often schedule our new volunteer assistants to serve when Nancy is present so they can witness the gentle loving way she greets our families and tends to the needs of the children during our time together.

Nancy's preferred service time is 11:30 and she is often with us several times a month, which is rare and wonderful. In her own words ~ "I feel like I get so much more than I give."

We are so grateful for all you give, share and the joyful way in which you do it. 
Thank you, Nancy ~ we love and appreciate you!

Susan Robinson, RScP
Director, Youth and Family Ministry

If you are interested in volunteering in our youth ministry, please send an inquiry to

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