Saturday, December 29, 2018

Reflections and Intentions

Reflections and Intentions ~

As another year comes to a close, it is a great time to reflect upon the past 12 months. Maybe even review the intentions we set at the beginning of the year and take inventory of what worked, what didn't or what might we do differently.

Our year end practice in Youth Ministry is to have a group discussion during circle time. We sit with a few questions as a way of looking back over the past year as well as questions that prompt us to consider what we wish to experience in the New Year.

Many years ago, we made the switch from making New Year resolutions, to setting New Year intentions. Where resolutions often presume there is something to fix, an intention gives way to positively designing the future. It's been fun to bring this practice to our young friends. It's an honor to witness all the accomplishments they've achieved and fun to see where and what they want to learn, grow and go in the New Year. Of course we'll have a bit of fun too!

Here are a few questions to consider in reflection:

What intentions did you achieve in the past year and did they bring you joy?
What intentions eluded you or needed to change?
What is one thing you've learned that you didn't know last year?
In what way were you able to make a difference in the world or the life of another?

For setting intentions you might consider these questions:

What are my goals? What would I like to achieve?
What are my dreams? What step can I take to bring them forward?
What would I like to learn?
What can I let go of?
In what way can I make a difference?

However it is you choose to bring in 2019 ~ We wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year!

Susan Robinson, RScP
Director, Youth and Family Ministry

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