Monday, April 15, 2019

Diversity and Inclusion

On the morning of March 31 the youth and teens of our Center were actively engaged in a big group project of Diversity and Inclusion.

It was a big morning for Youth Ministry. Three of our teen leaders opened each of our morning services and our teen group hosted a phenomenal Sunday Brunch fundraiser. Our community's engagement and response was delightful. No one visiting our tables went away hungry. Plus thanks to your generous donations, we raised over $1500. for our teen fund! And that's only what you could see on the outside.

Behind the scenes in our youth classrooms, the children and teens were engaged in a wonderful conversation of Oneness, Diversity and Inclusion. Through the eyes of our youngest children, it is easy to witness our connection to each other and to feel our oneness with Divinity. As we grow and become more engaged in the world around us we learn about "other" and "them" and can more easily forget our connection. Within our interactive conversation we explored all the ways Nature teaches us of it's Diversity and how easy it is for us to include, accept and appreciate the variances and beauty of the natural life around us. We then applied that same practice to our hands as we brought them together in a large circle and admired all the beautiful colors and textures of our skin tones. We are unique and we are the same.

Each of our students were then invited to team up with a partner to trace their lower arm and hand and to decorate and color it with all the joy, light, love, power, and any other quality and color they choose to express their unique expression of being. Everyone participated and at the end of the day we had quite the collection.

The goal of our little project was to create the Diversity and Inclusion board that now resides on the bulletin board in the breezeway next to Grinton chapel. It is our way of sharing a colorful connection between the youth and teens of our Center and our greater community. If you haven't stopped by yet, come take a look. We've included a few of our favorite quotes to inspire you and added some group pictures so you can see our beautiful faces.

Thank you one and all, for supporting our Center and giving us a place to learn and grow together in Spiritual practice! 


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