Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Finding Calm in times of Chaos


There is something about meditating near or around water that brings a sense of Calm to my mind, body and soul. Even the sound of trickle of water from a garden fountain has the ability to transport my mind to an image like the photo above. These days, anything I can do to bring calm in times of chaos, or the seeming chaos of the world around me, is a welcome experience.

As on-line learning continues through this time of Covid-19 the levels of stress and anxiety in students, parents and teachers is on the rise. While there are a few families that seem to be doing quite well with on-line learning, they appear to be few and far between. For some, the increased use of screen time is a huge concern. Questions of how to have productive conversations with my pre-teen or teen about the increased use of screen time? Or, how do I help my child find peace and calm when they question their ability to learn and succeed using on-line education, when all they want is to be back in the classroom with their friends? are all too common.

One of the things I love about our Spiritual teaching is knowing that when I don't know the answer, I can trust that Spirit knows. What is mine to do, is to ask the question and then pay attention to what is revealed. Recently after several conversations with parents and a few grade school teachers I asked the questions. And, as Spirit does... what was revealed were two books that showed up in my email! Yes, Spirit works in mysterious ways and sometimes the answers shows up in your in box.

The first book is called SuperPowered - Transform anxiety into courage, confidence and resilience. You can find it via a quick google search or through the website GoZen.com. The authors, Renee Jain and Dr. Shefali Tsabary have filled this book full of real life situations, activities and exercises to give children (ages 8-teen) tools and methods to, as they say, transform stress into power. 

The second book is called Parenting in the Screen Age - a guide for calm conversations, by Delaney Ruston, MD. A few years ago, Dr. Ruston and her team released a documentary called ScreenAgers. Her weekly Tech Talk Tuesdays blog is full of helpful information too. Most of this information applies to persons in the pre-teen and teen aged group. Though given the increase in screen time with grade school children, it's worth an exploration around the website. (Just click on the blue link above). 

And, even though I said two books... there was also a new release of a children's book by an author that I follow, Susan Verde. The new book is called I am One - a book of Action. Susan Verde's other books, I am Peace, I am Human, I am Yoga and I am Love, are favorites in our youth classes at the Center. The newest book is a beautiful addition. 

Where ever it is that you find calm ~ I hope you are taking time out of your day or week to spend time there. Even if it is in an image, or a sound, or a passage in your favorite book. It is so important to turn off the noise and tune into the Divine Source.

Peace and blessings to you all ~ Susan

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