Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Hey Awesome Parents!

Guess what? We've rolled out the red carpet and are setting the stage for your kiddos to have a blast while you get your spiritual groove on! Yes, you heard it right; we've got Sunday mornings sorted with a VIP (Very Important Parent-and-kid) experience. 

Four Fabulously Fun-tastic Options:

1️⃣ Artistic Alley in the Sanctuary: Who said services can't be a color fest? Your mini Picassos can unleash their creativity with coloring sheets, all while soaking in the sanctuary vibes with you!

2️⃣ Tot Haven, AKA The Nursery: Got a cute munchkin aged 4 or under? The Nursery is like a mini-resort where you and your little ones can chill. Or leave them in the capable hands of our nursery attendants, who specialize in cooing and peekaboo.

3️⃣ Social Hall Cinema: Picture this—a large TV monitor where your kids can hang out and share some giggles and games while you keep an ear on the service. It's like Netflix, but with bonus spiritual enlightenment!

4️⃣ The No-Shush Room: No need to 'Shhh!' your kids in this room. Feel free to enjoy the service via live stream while your kids provide the soundtrack wit

h their adorable babbling. 

If you're as stoked about connecting as I am (and let's face it, why wouldn't you be?), drop an email to our Coordinator Jennifer Caldwell! Whether you've got questions or you're keen to join our league of extraordinary parent volunteers, She'd love to hear from you.

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