Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 2024 Topics

Sunday Topics at a Glance. I will post the monthly topics here and also any special notes each month. If you are ever wanting to know more - feel free to reach out to youth@cslsr.org

October 2024

Special Events for the Month: On 10/27 there will be a costumes parade during the 11 o’clock service. We will also have a  pumpkin carving party after the service. As if that wasn’t enough fun- the teens will also be hosting a  bake sale fundraiser that day from 10-11 for their upcoming winter camp. 

Monthly Theme Summary: A Grand Rising with power begins within us. We do our inner work to create a relationship with our inner power that supports us. As we forgive and heal our internal relationship with power, we take the next step in rising by how we express our personal power. This step asks us to release our hidden agendas. We begin to express our power with integrity and authenticity. Power expressed in this manner supports and draws those around together in support of shared causes and ideas. Coming together in our authentic power multiplies what we can do. The difference for Good we can make as a group, community, and more is expanded… to express our power.

Each month we choose a few virtues to focus on with the youth and teens. We choose activities and stories that highlight the virtue. For October, we will focus on Assertiveness and Truthfulness.  

How do young people get to experience power? Once they find their power, they can learn to harness it and learn how to use it for good. This month we will start from within and see the power for our own and for greater good is here for each of us to use. 

Affirmations for the month:

Week1: I go within to connect with my Source of Power.

Week2: I stand in my Power as a Presence for Good.

Week3: Together, we empower each other for the greater Good.

Week4: As I stand in my authentic Power, I welcome a World that Works for Everyone

I checked out some really neat books to help us along the way! Here are some of the titles:

A World of Pauabilities

DIa de los Muertos

Happy Diwalil

I think, I am


The Fierce Yellow Pumpkin

The Panda Problem

Affirmative Prayer for Power

I know that there is a great power in the world, a power of love, strength, and light. This power is always here, and it fills the earth, the sky, and every living thing.

I am connected to this power. It lives in me, and it lives in every person, no matter how big or small. We are all made from the same energy of love and strength, and it helps us to grow, learn, and shine.

I believe that this power makes me strong, brave, and capable. Whenever I face a challenge, I know that the power inside me helps me to keep going, to be kind, and to do my best. I trust that I can achieve great things.

I am so grateful for this power in my life. I thank the universe for giving me everything I need to be happy, healthy, and strong. I appreciate the love and care that is always with me.

I let go, trusting that this power is always working for my good. I know that I am safe, supported, and loved, and that everything will be okay. And so it is.


Jennifer Caldwell

Youth and Family Coordinator

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